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Staika, green-colored fly

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Hilleberg Staika:
additional photos of the inner tent

Hilleber Staika tent ; side view
Hilleberg Staika; top view

Side view of the Hilleberg Staika. The opposite side of the inner tent is exactly the same as the side shown above.

View above shows a guyline tied from the top of the inner tent to the junction of the 3 poles of the Hilleberg Staika inner tent. This is an optional measure that can be performed to create more headroom in the inner tent when setting it up by itself.


Hilleberg  Staika mountaineering tent;  view of tent

Hilleberg Staika; rear view

Picture above shows the Hilleberg Staika inner tent with the guyline at the top of the tent tied to the pole junction to create more height inside the inner tent.

Image above shows the rear view of the Hilleberg Staika inner tent.

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